Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Welcome to the jungle

Apparently I live in the rainforest.  Why, you ask?  I'll tell you.  My yard has become a raging river, that's why.  I can't even walk out to get my mail because my goulashes aren't high enough for the water.  So I'm stranded in my house.  Not a bad place to be actually since I had off today and filled the hours watching GIRLS and Bill Maher and looking at everything I can't afford from Anthropologie.  (I totally should have been reading Anna Karenina since I'm still 600 pages short of finishing, but a girl can only take so much russian literature!).

So, during my hours of peaceful television bliss, my yard is slowly saturating, to the point of looking like a bloated sponge.  In fact, we have a nice little swimming hole where our septic tank lies.  I won't be walking back there anytime soon.

I took this video for you.

Lucy, stuffed animal killer.

As you know, we have a dog.  Lucy.  She is a pure redbone coonhound and possibly one of the cutest puppies to have ever walked this earth.

SEEEE!!!???  How could you possibly say no to this wrinkly face??  Redbone coonhounds have a plethora of great qualities besides being obscenely cute and wrinkly.  Obviously intelligent, loyal, outdoorsy, kind, loving...etc.  Remember Where the Red Fern Grows anyone?

So anyone who met Lucy would assume the same, right?  Pssssh.  Lucy, we've learned, is posh and she's extremely scared of most people.  She likes being inside on her comfy bed sneakily watching the cat instead of outside in the sun running after  escaped cattle.  We practically have to force her to go outside to go pee.  Weird.  

And she only likes chew bones when the cat is around.  So, in light of this situation, we thought she might like a plush animal toy to carry around with her since she obviously can't do that with la chat.  

Well, within FIVE MINUTES, cute, helpless little stuffed fox was now inside-less.  I assume it's passive-aggressiveness she feels for Crookshanks.  Poor fox.  Never stood a chance to Lucy, the stuffed animal killer.  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Creamy Cheesy Potatoes

I found this recipe on Pinterest and decided that I needed to try it out (Click here for the original site).  I love potatoes au gratin, especially more than just a plain baked potato or mashed potatoes.  You just can't beat cheesy, creamy deliciousness.  And this recipe was so easy to make--I even made it for Thanksgiving!!

Now, this recipe differs from regular, joe-schmoe  potatoes au gratin; instead of slicing the pots, you cut them up french fry style.  I don't know why, but I think they taste better this way (my theory is the cheese and cream get to each fry).  And they are less messy to prying the slices apart or trying to politely stuff a hot slice in your mouth. 

All you need are 5-6 medium sized potatoes, 9-13 Pyrex dish, 2 cups whipping cream (not ideal for the calorie counter...), 2 cups sharp chedder cheese, sprinkle of parmesan, and S&P.  I also add a little ham, but you don't have to.  That's it!

Skin and cut potatoes french fry style and place in dish.  Pour cream and evenly sprinkle cheeses and add small amount of S&P (you can add more after it's done to taste).  Cover with foil and bake at 400 for 1 hour--you can lower the rack for the last bit to let the bottom get a little crispier. 

And done!  It's unbelievably delicious and I always save a bit for leftovers the next day (if I can wait that long)!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our house. For the holidays :)

Sorry, I'm lazy.  I haven't gotten around to taking any pictures of our mostly finished home until now.  And it's only the bottom floor.  I'll get around to top at some point.


Lucy is a couch potato (hog).

Merry Christmas!!!

New Year!!

This past holiday season was extra special; We had so much family to celebrate with!  And of course, you can't have this much family together without doing some pretty awesome things.  Like paintball.  And downtown New Years Eve festivities.  Like I said before, awesome.

Somebody was tuckered out by the end of the night!  He didn't even wake up to get his food from McDs!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Challenge 2013: January

January, 2013
Genre: Translated Fiction

Anna Kerinina by Leo Tolstoy

2013 Book Challenge!!

I enjoy reading.  Well, that is a bit of an understatement actually.  I LOVE reading.  Almost more than pickles.  Almost.   But I do enjoy a challenge.  So, in regards to the new year, I have decided to take up the Eclectic Reader Challenge 2013!!

The challenge runs from January 1st 2013-December 1st 2013 in which time I will be reading and reviewing 12 books from 12 different genres (hopefully one for each month...but we'll see how that goes). 

Here are the categories:
  1. Translated fiction
  2. Historical mystery
  3. Romantic suspense
  4. Made into a movie
  5. New Adult
  6. Urban Fantasy
  7. Dystopian
  8. Memoir
  9. LGBT
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Humour
  12. Published in 2013
You can also find the books I am reading (and reviews) as well as similar books at GoodReads.  If you have any suggestions for any genre, let me know!


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