That's right. I fell through a vent. Nasty little buggers. The floors in our house were covered in paper (the walls were being painted), and I, never thinking about disaster, stepped through the paper and clear into an air vent hole. All the way. Did I cry?? No. Would I have cried had Handsome Taylor not been there? Most definitely. But he lifted me out of my vent hell and we surveyed the damage.
At first, I
thought I had broken my leg. It probably would've been better that way--I had a horrible limp and nobody understands when you tell them you've fallen in an air vent. It's been three weeks and I still don't wear shorts...mostly because it looks like someone took a bat and beat me, but we're getting there. Anyway, here are the first pictures of my leg about an hour after the embarrassing trauma.
Contrary to popular belief, that is not my gigantic quad muscle sticking out. |
Stupid air vent. |
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