Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We were supposed to go camping...

So this past weekend I had planned on going camping up in the mountains...maybe Linville Falls or something spectacular like that.  I had called several of our friends (Taylor and Leah, Scott and Jenn) and we were going to have a fabulous time hiking and setting up camp and waking up to the crisp mountain air.

You know, a little bit of this (complete with scenery and lushness)...

...and some of this.

Nope.  Most of the leaves had already dropped by the time I came back home to Asheville (and this time the weathermen were right--it was a quick fall!).  Saturday morning greeted us with freezing winds and the first snow of the year.  

Now this isn't the record snow or anything we had last year, but flurries none-the-less.  And I realize that many, many people camp in the snow...but coming up from Charlotte where the temperatures previous to that weekend had been in the 60's, well, we weren't exactly prepared.  

So aside from me being slightly upset at not being able to go camping, we (all 6 of us) took it upon ourselves to deal with our grief in the best way we could: drink margaritas and eat enchiladas at La Paz, a fabulous Mexican restaurant in Biltmore, followed by board games at Taylor and Leah's new house.  Yes, it was an awesome night and I can't believe I didn't get any pictures!!!  We all ended up staying up really late that night and after Scott and Jenn left around 2, Leah and I played Battle of the Sexes with my Taylor until he subsequently fell asleep between us by 3.  (Leah's Taylor was passed out and was not able to participate).  

I am still planning on a camping weekend because this week in Charlotte is back up in the 60's and possibly the low 70's which means Asheville will be about 10-15 degrees below that (perfect camping weather, yes I know).  And my sleeping bag is beckoning usage because it has been unused for about 2 years now (since the last time Taylor and I went camping at Linville Falls).  And I promise, more pictures to come!!!


  1. So good to see you this weekend. Glad you all had fun in spite of foiled plans to go camping.

  2. It was wonderful to see you this weekend! And I discovered your blog (you are a fantastic writer!). Hope you're doing well and I will keep thinking good thoughts!! All my love to you and your kiddies!


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